There are two methods of security in IT that are not usually wise. The first is security by obscurity, in other words, if we don't tell people how we implement security, they are unlikely to break it. The problem with that view is that it isn't true! DVD encryption was broken, various sites have been cracked by trying various attack vectors. In reality, it is better to be open about your security if you can ensure you have a suitably helpful audience who can then advise on areas that might be weak. Oyster Cards and even Chip and Pin have exhibited weaknesses that could possibly have been found by peer review before they were implemented but both were 'closed source' and both have been compromised.
The second method of security is by permutations. My system is safe because you would need to try X combinations before you can crack it and X is a very large number. Of course, as we know, X is never a large number for more than a few years as newer faster computers and networks allow higher bandwidth for hacking attempts. In reality, your passwords should be 16 characters or more with punctuation, upper and lower case etc to provide any decent level of brute force defence but remember again that just because something is unlikely, doesn't mean it won't happen. You can mitigate however against brute force by slowing down the responses either progressively or even by a fixed amount of time (say 10 seconds) which thwarts faster hacking equipment. You can also block suspicious activity (such as 5 failed login attempts) either for a period of time like an hour or until 'manually' unlocked. In any case, you should be open with people who use your systems what the limits of your security are with statements such as, "WPS requires an 8 digit pin which would require X days of brute force to get past" which allows someone to consider this statement, perhaps challenge it and then allow the manufacturers to re-design or upgrade the equipment to increase the security.
Sadly, we rely on hidden decisions made by people who may or may not be competent in their job and whose decision may or may not still be valid and which may or may not even be visible, being lost in the mists of time.
Anyway, hire competent and trained people and ensure they are keeping up-to-date with current threats otherwise your company will look stupid!