So we use Cloud Services, they were the most PaaS you could get 4 years ago when PixelPin started but they are a bit old hat. They are thinly veiled VMs, which are managed by Microsoft but they don't permit an auto scale to happen very quickly and because they don't make good use of shared hardwre, they are not the most cost effective.

Enter App Services, which supports API, mobile apps and web apps but for less money. They also, more importantly, provide a very quick therefore effective way to scale from 2 to 20 or 20 instances in only a few seconds, using hot standby services.

Perfect, so why not simply copy and paste your app from Cloud Services to App Services. Here's why:

  1. You have to learn the concepts and setup of App Services on Azure. You need to learn about plans - shared and dedicated and how you can then have multiple apps hosted on the same plan (which is cool, because you aren't paying more to host more apps, just adding more load to what you are already paying for).
  2. You can theoretically deploy directly from Visual Studio using "Publish" but this always crashes on my machine, which leaves either publish to Git and get App Services to pull in the changes (works OK but you have to use Git, which I hate, as well as spend time working out the deployment workflow). You can also use VSTS, but only if you use Git or otherwise you have to push the deployment from VSTS onto App Services, again, more learning required.
  3. You cannot run your startup script like you used to before because you are basically sharing an environment docker style. For instance, we setup cipher suites by running our startup script on Cloud Services but we are paying for the whole system so that's OK. You can't do that on App Services, you can only control your web.config settings (and I can't guarantee that some of these might not work as expected/be overridden/locked by the parent config). You must CAREFULLY consider what your startup script does and whether it can be done another way or you can accept the risk of not doing it.
  4. Things like certificates and app settings are done differently. App settings work in a similar way, except you no longer access them with the Azure Runtime functions but instead, simply access them as App Settings. It also means if you want to deploy them, they are specified as App Settings in config instead of settings in your cscfg file. There might be security considerations because of this and there are various ways to workaround that.
  5. Certificates are more a pain. You no longer specify them in your cscfg files and you don't have direct access in the same way. What you have to do is add an App Setting to expose the certificate to your app, which is then done in the CurrentUser store (since you are sharing hardware!). An article describes it here: but it looks like you can either expose 1 or all certificates using the App Setting.
  6. All of the stuff you used to set in your cloud project (VM sizes, numbers etc.) is done in the portal or using an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template. This decouples the development process from needing Visual Studio and a specific project type etc. and opens up the use of things like Kudu or docker to deploy code directly to Azure.
  7. If you used cloud services for session then you will also need to change that to use Redis, which to be honest is probably cheaper and easier than the Azure Cloud Service provider anyway.
  8. No doubt I will find some more things that are different but be warned! Spend some time on it, attempt to move a really cut down version of the app so you can see the sorts of issues you are having and then spend some time planning how you will need to change things to move forwards.
That said, I am excited about moving to App Services and think we will eventually get a much more responsive and cheaper system as a result.