Trying to create a new Plan in Bamboo, cloning an existing plan that works and the build fails no useful error except:

Failing task since return code of [C:\Users\Bamboo\bamboo-home\DotNetSupport\devenvrunner.bat E:\bamboo\xml-data\build-dir\SL-CCI-JOB1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 amd64 MyProject.sln /build Debug] was 255 while expected 0

I opened the same code in Visual Studio and it built with no errors.

Thanks Bamboo! I tried various comparisons of good and bad files but eventually, I compared the sln file itself between the original working plan and the new broken one and saw two things that were different:

1) The broken build had an older solution version at the top ("2013" instead of "14")
2) The presence of SourceSafe bindings (that we weren't using any more).

I removed both of these and the build works fine! Not sure which was causing the problem, maybe it was asking if I wanted to upgrade but I couldn't say yes!