Why UK Rail is Doomed
Beware the slow Linq
Why people tell you not to run a mail server
Out of memory with Laravel Mix/Webpack on build agent
Why queries are slow in production
You're doing your solar export wrong
Exporting artifacts from Docker build
Perfection is a Software Engineer's worst enemy
Approaching a performance problem
Dotnet core not binding a json request to an action's model
NPM in Docker is a dumpster fire
The "you're over complicating it" meme
Nullable types slow down dotnet core
PostgreSQL Major Cluster Upgrade - Nearly Zero Downtime
Barman backup error
SPAs are killing the internet
Random dotnet core routing errors
The difficult interviews
The hidden cost of bureaucracy
Don't ask your users to delete their cache
UX is still done badly
The terrible state of postgres load balancing
Cloud pains
Corporates are failing at a critical skill
It would be nice to improve server updates
Developers love tech more than business
How much to pay a Developer
I've Been Stung by apt-get purge TWICE
What Recruiters don't understand about experience
Maybe the bubble should burst
kubectl apply - Error from server (Forbidden)
Why port SQL Server to PostgreSQL?
Why I ditched Duolingo
Visual Studio warning triangle
Github deploy with Jekyll
Not another terrible shopping site
It doesn't build on the build server
On the joys of Kubernetes
Understanding documentation is the real skill
Grafana installation error
Recruitment is number one
How many times do we let people chase us up?
When to optimise or not
Writing a postfix milter in Rust
Stop complaining about interviews
Nuget is still really bad
Not everyone gets fault finding
Stop guessing about your product design
SQL Server docs are terrible - setting up an always-on availability group
The problem with customers
Microk8s ingress not working
The hidden danger of refactoring
Better to lack a feature than have a bad one
nginx ingress timeout annotations not working
The ultimate network debugging guide
Look after the small things
It is not all about price
Entity framework not loading data
You are still doing site search wrong
Defence in depth is worth it
How to detect drained Kubernetes nodes manually
Application Insights not logging calls to all Actions in web service
Why noobs need baby steps
Docker build not using the cache
Software Engineers can't always tell attention to detail from perfectionism
Docker login: Error response from daemon: login attempt to registry failed with status: 400 Bad Request
Kubectl: Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
Could not start IIS web site
Containerising SQL Server Databases in Devops
.Net build works in docker but not docker-compose
How to objectively measure developer productivity
Fast Docker builds for dotnet core
Design production microservices environment
Tip of the day - learn how to enable logging on any new product
Learning from Criminal Minds - Linux aliases
Getting lost in the world of Devops tooling and Envoy Proxy with Docker Swarm
System.MissingMemberException: Public member 'GetSecretAsync' on type 'KeyVaultClient' not found
A council hit by ransomware attack AGAIN
Remote working for Developers...or not?
The challenge of Node docker images
Developers are still not writing effective CVs
Skoda stop-start not working
Optimise Docker builds by tweaking the Dockerfile
Docker with netfx/.net framework apps
Please stop trying to make things "backwards compatible"
How to deploy secrets to Kubernetes with Octopus Deploy
Why SMTP will be with us for a long time
Where big businesses are still terribly inefficient
`Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY`
Invalid interpolation format for "image" option
If you want to know what working in a startup is like....
Security Questionnaires are really, really, harmful
Why Content-Security-Policy is a little bit rubbish
Understanding SQL Server Statistics and why they are so important
Sell something that people want
That isn't agile
Why Banks need to see themselves as SAAS businesses first and banks second
Is software running before we can walk?
Octopus Deploy with MicroK8S - You must be logged in to the server (the server has asked for the client to provide credentials)
What makes a great developer?
TeamCity or Jenkins for CI with .Net?
Random CORs errors on Chrome using Cloudfront and S3
Exam Results are not fair!
Recruitment Advice from an amateur
Continuous Professional Development for Developers
Test not discovered/won't run in Visual Studio
Azure Key Vault works on one server but not another!
Query is fast in Sql Server Management Studio but slow in application
Why massive legacy applictions are impossible to replace and why they are not!
Lots of problems with Nuget and Microsoft's use of it
The rarest skill - working smarter, not harder
Doing your Developer interview well
Developers: Your CVs suck!
Dotnet Core, CORS and Localhost
Understanding Web Performance Testing
Thinking, Logic and Communication
Why are people surprised that Governments cannot handle the Corona-virus?
Posting the cross-site request forgery in JMeter for dotnet core
Hobby vs Startup
When agile conflicts with "while the bonnet is open"
Why UK Developer Recruiters are still mostly sharks
Free Remote Access using Remote Desktop over SSH
It's not that hard making your web site scalable
Ideas are cheap, execution is everything
The Latest Scam: Marketing masquerading as a Corona Virus update
How to succeed at Developer technical tests
Writing code for testability
Linq Select not projecting into SQL statement
Cannot resolve scoped service 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IHttpContextAccessor' from root provider
The all-too-common experience of poorly run corporates
What is missing from safety-critical software design?
Creating a new online service isn't a 5 minute job!
How to stop your patients dying in Two Point Hospital!
Breaking SSL changes in Chrome 79 update AGAIN
My two worst development assumptions
nginx ingress when running Kubernetes off-cloud/bare-metal
Connecting Octopus to MicroK8s
DMARC, SPF and DKIM - ouch!
FakeItEasy "not working" on a really easy setup
Error or CrashLoopBackOff when deploying dotnet core container to Azure Kubernetes Service
SQL Server Backups from Linux to Azure Blob Storage
Dotnet core functional tests running in Docker
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided
Problem when cloning Octopus Kubernetes deployment project
Restricting by IP address on Azure Kubernetes Service
Cannot delete persistent volumes with Kubectl
Injecting DbContext properly with an IoC container
Using a specific package version pushing from TeamCity to Octopus Deploy
Building Windows Containers in Docker
"docker build" requires exactly 1 argument
Storing JWT signing keys in Azure Key Vault and access from .Net
The problem with being a code-driven organisation
what I need to know about ransomware
Cannot consume scoped service from singleton
Considerations when starting a web app from scratch
Using git with putty and pageant not working!
Enterprise vs Startup and the battle of Developer Types!
Powershell script not running from Task Scheduler
British Aiways massive data breach fine and why it is a hard but important lesson
Building and Deploying Dotnet Core 2.2 to IIS with TeamCity and Octopus Deploy
Good code should never have unexpected side-effects!
Resharper and Visual Studio ignoring my NUnit test
DbContext memory leak
How to do web application passwords properly!
What most people do wrong on their CVs
OWIN Startup not called
elasticsearch.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=78
System.MissingMethodException : Method 'blah' not found.
Some Companies Still Failing Badly on Self Service Purchases
How do you control versions in a DevOps environment?
Why you might need a messaging queue and why RabbitMQ is a winner!
Table column 3 established by element td has no cells beginning in it
Tech Recruitment is still a massive potential market
Unable to cast object of type 'Data' to type 'System.IConvertible' HandleBars DotNet
Unit tests really are important, yes really!
The CodeDom provider type could not be located
Database projects in Visual Studio 2017 with SSDT and Devops deployments
OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException : The HTTP request to the remote WebDriver server for URL...
StructureMap Type from assembly does not have an implementation
StructureMap not automatically resolving ICollection
Creating Good Devops Channels on Team City
Amazon Broke My Music (And how to fix it)
Help: My Unit tests are flaky!
A new Team City Windows Agent using Agent Push
FakeItEasy unit test error - System.NotImplementedException : The method or operation is not implemented.
MSB3268: The primary reference could not be resolved - Team City
Converting .Net Web Site to Web Application
Entity Framework Error - "no entity framework provider found for the ADO.NET provider with invariant name"
Certbot renew fails. unauthorized Invalid response from...
Rewriting is hard, even for small applications
The Development Industry needs to take CPD and Seniority more seriously
Making Cyber Security more practical for small businesses
SEO for the new company!
Modifying SASS options when building from NetBeans
Using variables in Powershell in Bamboo deployment project
Using Enterprise-signed apps on iPhone with iTunes 12.7
Please consider your users more important than your systems!
Success in a Startup
The UK need to stop making excuses and start doing things properly
The old "train vs driving" debate again!
Whether to commit to a port to .Net core
Is Python worth all the hype?
Should I learn another programming language?
Bamboo and MSDeploy not deploying dotnet core to a folder on the network!
I'm not sure that Microsoft know what "root cause" means!
An example where Dependency Injection makes sense!
Azure Resource Manager Template and "Parameter name cannot be empty"
Can I replace my mechanical relays with solid-state relays?
CocosSharp is not winning any friends!
Prevent hotlinking of CDN items to harvesting sites with Azure
Another dead SSD, lost files and lost hours...
Why is software hard?
CryptographicException: Specified padding mode is not valid for this algorithm
Filebeat from App Services to Logstash, Elastic and Kibana - Update
You don't necessarily want "async all the way up"!
Dotnet core 2.x mocking HttpContext etc.
Using SASS in a project with Zurb Foundation
InvalidOperationException: Cannot resolve scoped service from root provider.
Porting .Net Framework to .Net Core is not a 5 minute job!
DotNet Core Dependency Injection does not have named instances
Readable useful documentation
Method not found: 'Void Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.KeyVaultClient..ctor(AuthenticationCallback, System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler[])'
Winning the chicken and egg problem with Azure Key Vault access
.Net on Elastic Beanstalk (AWS) with VPC
Virtual Networks on Azure? Not quite ready for the big time yet!
Bootstrapping Yii2 Module and developing locally
Make sure you sudo openssl dhparam!
Why you should stop using Paypal to process payments
Mocking SignOutAsync and SignInAsync
Filebeat as a Webjob on App Services to send IIS logs to Logstash
Make Yii2 ListView play nice with UI frameworks
Tracing area "Rewrite" is not recognized
ElasticSearch, LogStash and Kibana (ELK) on Azure App Services
MongoDB Insert from Mongo Shell but not from C# API
IdentityServer 3 certificate loading woes!
NuGet package not visible in Manage NuGet Packages
Cannot install NuGet package even though it is listed
No, your web site being broken is not OK!
What do we assume when we contract people to write software for us?
How to interview for a Senior Developer
.Net MVC Controller Action 404 only on one system!
Address labels in PHP without special software
JWT, JWE, JWS in .Net - Pt 3 - JWE
JWT, JWE, JWS in .Net - Pt 2 - Validating JWS
JWT, JWE, JWS in .Net
SecurityTokenEncryptionFailedException: IDX10615: Encryption failed. No support for: Algorithm
.Net Web API Validation
Client Certificate does not appear in Windows Credential Manager
OutOfRangeInput One of the request inputs is out of range on Azure CDN
Build sqlproj projects with MSBuild on a Build Server
Weird errors deploying new MVC site to IIS with Web Deploy
New to MongoDB and starting out
Removing google secondary email address
Bamboo Visual Studio Build Fails - Works in Visual Studio
Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel with authority
Azure Traffic Manager shows degraded status for App Services https
nginx returns 200 for image but no image!
Azure App Services. http works but https doesn't
WSUS client download error 0x800b0109 "Some update files aren't signed correctly"
UnableToResolvePhysicalConnection UnableToConnect
MSTest and Unit Tests for .Net on Bamboo - setting the path to the dll
Getting Web Deploy working
Automated Builds for Visual Studio Project/Solution with custom NuGet packages and Bamboo
Azure App Services not ready for the big time yet?
Cannot answer incoming calls on Android
Azure App Services (Websites) - Cannot find the X.509 certificate using the following search criteria
Encrypting/Decrypting Web.config sections with PKCS12
.Net MVC5 - RedirectToAction not Redirecting in the browser
Help, my servo isn't working!
Git stops working with VSTS - Authentication failed
Migrating Azure Cloud Services to App Services is not a 5 minute job!
Git, maybe one day you will be my friend
Source Control from Visual Studio is still terrible!
Load Testing is not as easy as it sounds
Making Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets work!
What is it like owning a Toyota Auris Hybrid?
Do people still not understand "safe by default"?
Microsoft seriously need to sort out their online Identity model
Error: Unable to Start Debugging on the Web Server
PHP loads extension from CGI but NOT from CLI
Convert.ToDateTime() ALSO converts the timezone!
Calls to Azure DocumentDB hang
IdentityServer doesn't work with OAuth2 and its probably Open ID's fault!
Cannot add IIS App Pool identity to windows permissions
TelemetryConfiguration with different Instrumentation Keys
Contained users in Azure BACPAC files not working
The depressing feeling of the software slippery slope....
IP Addresses on Netgear FVS318N VPN Router
To all of you who want to "fix" the EU....
Passing the CISSP exam and how to do multiple-choice
Windows 10 is a pain for developers
.Net Core - Publishing from Visual Studio 2015 - It's a pain
Windows 10 Broke my https web site
Thanks everyone for breaking my site!
Client Certificates and Windows 10
There was an error attaching the debugger to the role instance
Project could not be opened because the Microsoft Visual C# 2010 compiler could not be created. An item with the same key....
Annoying trailing double slash (at end of URL)
KeyVaultClientException: Operation "get" is not allowed
Visual Studio designer files and The name does not exist in the current context
blobExists for Azure PHP SDK 0.4.0 (API 2.2)
Using the Azure SDK for PHP - What I learned
What do you need to know about taking online payments?
Do airlines not understand their customers?
Yii2 code works locally, doesn't work in production
I don't know why companies can't get customer feedback right
Verified by visa - So bad, it's criminal
Apple and the iOS data recovery saga
"We will investigate to learn from our mistakes..."
What we must learn from the Accident Investigation Branches
Designing for a distributed scalable web application
Facebook and Google (and other) OAuth2 Logins are NOT always authentication
Client authentication broken (Azure) - cert expired
Android "This certificate is not from a trusted authority" or "no peer certificate" errors - fine on desktop!
Publish-AzureServiceProject - There is an error in XML document (12, 90), Public-Key-Pins, IIS and Azure
Web App Security - Are you doing it wrong?
RDP not working over VPN
The fallacy of technology
Holder.js doesn't work (Oh yes it does)
Interesting Problems - Jury Service
mod_deflate in apache is breaking caching
Companies still get Customer Feedback sooooooo wrong
Why Web Design is such a pig
ServerTooBusyException on Azure
The weird world of .Net Cookies and Forms Authentication
Adding assets folder to Android Studio project
Android assets not appearing in the folder
Android app crashes with no stack trace after calling startActivityForResult or startActivity
Firefox and XML Parsing Error: no element found
What you really must know before you think you should make web sites for a living
Validation of viewstate MAC failed on mobile only!
Windows Firewall not allowing DNS queries through.
Cyber Security. It's really hard but it's also not that hard!
Sell like Steve Jobs
Why can't everybody back off?
Encryption - so necessary but so dangerous?
Why has Google lost the plot?
Setting up SSL is still way too painful
SUSE Linux Enterprise - That was very painful!
Cannot copy-and-paste into Remote Desktop login box
The pain that is WebDeploy and error 401 when publishing
The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel
Cheryl's Birthday and the weaknesses of language
Learn to Code in 30 days with.....
If you ever use the word "best" in a computer science question, you need to go to school
The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden
Pay by Phone - Convenient? Not even close.
SSL sites stop working on Apache after upgrade from Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04
Un-safe SIM cards and the alleged Gemalto hack
Page_Load called twice and another hole in the HTML specification
Why complexity is always the enemy of good design
Regular Expressions, Unicode, PHP and pain
The mysterious Chrome padlock warning symbol
Yii 2 not translating messages
Cheating performance on large web applications
Yii 2 not serving css files
Large Databases, Primary Keys, Replication and Pain
Why do software projects overrun?
More Scaling Considerations
Why most of our projects are too expensive and executed poorly
Planning the deployment for your new scalable site
Error 403 when calling Soap web service with client certificate from PHP
Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lorg/spongycastle/LICENSE
Random problem with UIView rotation and transforms
Understanding XCode, iOS, iPhone and Simulator Architectures
Lumino City - Great Game but could use some hints!
Why the Royal Mail depresses me
Creating a scalable PHP web application on Azure Virtual Machines
How to design a high performance web site
Where Halifax have failed on their web site
You can't use an absolute script url in a .Net script tag when runat=server
Azure CDN and Storage Not Suitable for Production
Some of my useful Github Projects
Where Argos have failed on their 'new' web site
Why shouldn't you use SELECT * FROM TABLE
Tightening up your Azure Cloud Service SSL Settings
Newbie Web Programmers - what you HAVE to know about security
Deserialize object trees from json in Java
Android SSL/TLS/HTTPS - IOException: No peer certificate
Yii2 and the spaghetti maze of configuration files!
Schools should work more with industry
Forget Eclipse, it's all about Android Studio
SHA1 or SHA-1?
Yii 2.0 on Windows under IIS
The Sorrows of Offline-First Mobile Apps
Publish-AzureServiceProject - ConflictError: The specified DNS name is already taken
Cannot deploy PHP cloud service onto Azure for Server 2012
Building a Scalable Application in .Net on Windows Azure
Learning from our mistakes? Not a chance!
How governments spend ages trying to fix the wrong problem
FileZilla - Quickconnect works but Site Manager doesn't!
Resizing ASP.Net images with ImageResizer on the server-side
Chrome not displaying date in html 5 "date" input
How to spot a phishing email
The name does not exist in the current context - Master Pages
Do NOT use guids for secure object identifiers
Why you should never mix HTTP and HTTPS
Reporting Services, shared datasets and Parameters
Setting up report designer on Windows
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) with wildcard SSL and Server 2008 R2
Scale-out SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) aka Separating Databases and Web Servers
Azure In-role cache and multiple instances
XCode linking problems
More Eclipse/Java and XCode/iOS woes
Convert Virtual Box Windows Client to use virtio drivers
Unidentified network or public network in Windows under virtio
Crontab error - syntax error, bad username
Netbeans project from Windows won't open on Ubuntu
URL Encoding, Percent Encoding and what to do with spaces, %20 and +
Calling web services asynchronously in Android
Content Security Policy and .Net
process launch failed: failed to get the task for process
Elevation of privileges but not as you know it being added to my DNS queries from Windows 7
Backing up Linux box to online storage for cheap!
.htaccess: Invalid command 'RewriteEngine'
More poor design decisions by Apple/Objective-C/iOS
Backup Amazon EC2 Linux box to S3 Storage
iOS/Objective-C Unrecognized selector sent to instance
Why I think Google+ is a failure
My rant about iOS development and why it sucks.
What Developers could learn from the Airlines
Stray carriage return/line feed causes hotmail to mangle hyperlink
Dynamic IP Security (dynamicIpSecurity) on Azure
Friday Opinion: Why I don't like "learn to code" blitz courses
How does Google Analytics work (for non-techies)?
RESOLVED: Button postback not firing from GridView or DataGrid
Learning about error handling the hard way!
ApplicationPoolIdentity understood
Could not load file or assembly or one of its dependencies
Fully working Azure diagnostics example including log4net
[bug] DiagnosticMonitorTraceListener doesn't use filter
Beware converting BINARY to VARBINARY in SQL Server
What's the difference between HMAC and RSA/DSA for signing messages
SvcUtil.exe with Client Certificates
Using symmetrical encryption in the correct way
Developing for IE8
The active result for the query contains no fields
Keeping your GitHub project maintained
RSA Public Key Encryption between .Net, PHP and Java
Public/Private keys, OpenSSL, RSA, PEM and DER
Why we cannot have perfect encryption and why we can't trust anybody
What every developer should know about password hashing before writing it!
AES Encryption/Decryption in Android using SpongyCastle
GMail email relay from PHP in Azure worker role
Cannot remote desktop to Azure Worker Role
The Myth of Code Portability and "lack of vendor lock-in"
Invalid service path! Cannot locate ServiceDefinition.csdef in current folder or parent folders
Dropbox folder keeps appearing, can't delete it - solved
Finally - Azure with client certificates!
I really can't stand Java
SSL/TLS for Developers or IT Admins
CodeIgniter: You have specified an invalid database connection group.
Using FastCGI instead of ModPHP
How Startups should design solutions to scale
Drupal Hybridauth Social Login plugin stuck in loop when logging in
Calling .Net code from SQL Server
Simple TraceListener example
Network performance from Android app using the Apache Library
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed
How to add a loading or waiting page to an android activity
jQuery offset() not working properly in Internet Explorer
Why we should all be fighting SPAM with the SPF setting
How to animate an HTML image to make it "glow"
Developers: Beware 401 response codes on IIS!
SPF not working on Google - "Received-SPF: neutral" - "is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of"
A rant about QT for the Raspberry Pi and the danger of community projects
Do not rename Android resources in the Eclipse IDE
How to secure your web applications
How to style the FileUpload or make it look like you have!
Why Microsoft (and so many others) still don't get it
My first introduction to less.js with Bootstrap
Why PRISM etc. makes me really nervous
Azure Cloud Service - "The credentials that were used to connect to...could not be used"
Password best practice and PasswordsCon13
Publish-AzureServiceProject : The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error
Matching encryption and decryption across PHP, Java and .Net
error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number
Calling SQL Server with PHP/PDO, be careful with parameter positions
Base64.encodeToString adds newline character
Missing POST body in Android HttpsURLConnection request
RSA Public Key Encryption, Java to PHP with 4XX responses
GMail relay stopped working on Azure Site
The Android Activity lifecycle
Calling WCF SOAP web services from PHP
Setting a default value for object property in ASP.Net MVC4 Razor
PHP Azure - HTTP Error Message: A storage account named something already exists
Setting up linux to relay mail via gmail
Because your install is in a directory, the sites in your WordPress network must use sub-directories.
Creating a hardened LAMP server on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
The compute emulator had a error: Can't locate service model..
A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'Subscription'
MacBook Pro very poor wifi reception
Debugging SQL Server Connection Problems
When customers spend way too much on software....
Using hashing AND symmetric encryption
What is wrong with our software?
Chrome always redirecting http site to https
Who or what is Application Pool Identity?
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.
Backing Up SQL Azure Databases to offsite
error .popover() is not a function
What is faster? PHP or ASP .Net?
Accessing Azure Role Configuration from PHP
Encrypt web.config sections for Azure
Checking for duplicate when creating new object from MVC
MVC4 Decouple View Data from Database (e.g. for encryption)
Making AES256 encryption work the same in PHP as .Net
SHA512 hashing in PHP
Creating a REST web service using Yii and PHP
SQL Server Azure from Azure PHP using Yii
Running Yii on Windows Azure for PHP
Query Azure Configuration Setting from PHP
Calling SQL Server from Yii on Ubuntu
Bootstrap carousel modifications
The pain of costing
Working Example - Azure Diagnostics using log4net and table storage
basicHttpsBinding could not be found
Command line arguments not allowed during New User Setup
Azure Platform as a Service vs Infrastructure as a Service
Cannot find file named 'approot\bin\startup.cmd' for startup task
The SSL settings for the service 'SslRequireCert' does not match those of the IIS 'None'
Clearing the Postback Response in ASP.Net
How are passwords cracked?
How to deal with software suppliers
Azure Deployment Fails for SSL
Simple SSL Setup on Azure
Provider pattern
The provided URI scheme 'https' is invalid; expected 'http'
Why Process is Not the Enemy of Agile
Self-signed SSL certificates and Windows Azure
SQL Azure CREATE USER fails with error
Adding webHttpBinding to WCF service
Signed Encryption
Azure and FIPs compliance
ESAPI .Net and FIPs compliance
Managing Session State in Microsoft Windows Azure
Connecting to SQL Server Web Edition from Mgt Studio via SSH Tunnel
Bootstrap dropdownlist/combo box
Bootstrap icon button and ASP.Net
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'dialog'
Problem with eval() and minification
Cassette Bundling and Minification Application and Request Paths Explained
FAQ - Your friend and your foe
Why Consistency is not just for Others!
Why API documentation is crucial
Use generic linq extensions on non-generic collections
Tunnelling RDP over ssh using Putty and Private Keys
Cannot Establish Trust relationship with site....
MySql Access from Windows
Setting up digest authentication in Apache on Ubuntu
Call to undefined function imagecreatefromjpeg()
Wordpress, permissions and plugins
Error 403 Forbidden when using SSL Url Rewrite
Suddenly Getting a 303 error on IIS
Applying basic sanity to security policies
MySQL For SQL Server developers
Why git is loved and loathed
Adding sub-sites in IIS7
Why most passwords policies suck
Truecrypt, every time
Pluralsight is good
Why password leaks are no longer acceptable
Why Outlook is Bad
Blocking the Pirate Bay? Waste of Time!!!!!!!
How to keep passwords secure
It's all about risk
Basic Database Security Checklist
Conditional Roles in VSTS
Custom Configuration Files aaaaaaahh
Rhino difference between .Is.Anything and .Is.Typeof
Callback arguments didn't match the method arguments
Sometimes you can have simple, free and effective
Cannot step into stub project with VS Debugger
Error 1603 in wxs installer
Invalid object name 'master.dbo.spt_values'
Detail and Caution
Oh Dear More Hacks
Why Use Intrusion Detection?
Is Security by Obscurity Bad?
Another Project Failed?
403 Forbidden Error
Date Cock-ups, Leap Year Bugs and Management
Optimisation Up Front
IIS, host headers and the IIS screen of confusion
Security by obscurity and permutations
Another botched large IT project
Better Use of Email
Why we must write clean code
Software Patents Mostly Make my Blood Boil
I need a new phrase...
A code quality test
Understanding Mocks
Exceptions for Exceptional Things Only!
object does not match target type
Windows XP Activation - evil
The pain of Windows XP installations! MBR/GPT
Internationalisation - ooo, err
Find in Files - Linux Style
Cannot cast enum from type A to type A
Web site referencing wrong versions of DLLs
There was an error reading from the pipe: Unrecognized error 109 (0x6d).
Windows Installer not uninstalling files
Execute Deployment Script In Single-User Mode
The problem with 'global' variables
Designing for Database Replication
Disaster Recovery
Finding code faults
Time outs and Application Integrity
Managing Quality in the Workplace
MVC hacking for foreign keys
Who is Responsible for Web Security?
Holistic Approach to Security
OO Design - do it properly
VSTS Errors - TSD03006, TSD04111
DRY and Coding for the Unknown
Defence-in-depth and the Sony debacle
Workflow, workflow, workflow
Good Programming Practice - avoiding the if statement
Installing Driver for EdiMax 7711ln
Project DLL not copied into bin directory of web site
Rhino Mocks - Get broken after running test with WCF
CJuiAutoComplete Custom Listing Example
Windows 7 Gripes
metadata file xyz could not be found
Why more memory can speed your computer up
CJuiAutoComplete Example
Perforce, Depots and Workspaces
I don't like Moodle
Developers - Make your life easier
Pains and Permissions on Web Folders
Hiding MVC Controller Methods
Great Quote about Code Maintenance
Your approach to query optimising
Which SQL indexes are faster?
Making your queries faster
Why Knowledge and Design is important for Software
Poor passwords
Don't just secure your apps, manage their security
KDE4 Network Manager fails after upgrade
Working on a live database
Writing good software systems
Using static in .Net
What do you use Service Broker for?
Service Broker Queue not calling Activation Procedure
Cannot retrieve message from Service Broker Queue
Why web security is simply not good enough
Devil in the detail - customising the ASP BulletedList
wget doesn't get all levels
Document Generation with Word 2007 and ASP.NET - part 2
Document Generation with Word 2007 and ASP.NET
Embedding Excel cells into Word 2007
When a SQL JOIN is slower than it should be
Process is more important than Software
The 'Beta' ASP Calendar Control
Error 401: Unauthorised when calling web service
How to speed up SQL queries
Why are specs important?
SQL Server Security - Roles, Logins, Users, Schemas and Permissions
Ajax, javascript and postbacks
MediaWiki and Blank Edit Tab
Not another "security breach"
Website images that suck!
Unable to start debugging the web server 500.19
Prevention vs Detection
Why security is important on Intranet Apps
Factory Method - Why use it? What is it for?
Windows 7 - First Impressions
Ajax Control Toolkit AutoCompleteExtender problems
Text boxes and Text areas not posting back
Event Handler not called from DropDownList
You MUST backup Linux PCs
CacheItemRemovedCallback not firing
A New IDE Would be Nice
Hacked Email Accounts, Phishing etc
Password handling and hashing
Creating QT Widget in 4.5
Securing your web apps
Good OO Practice
Calling Web Services from Reporting Services
Why have a software process?
Viewstate, postbacks and pains in the neck
Mixing Forms and Windows Authentication
Building Test Scripts
Structure for Reliability
Should object A reference B or B reference A?
HtmlTextWriter breaks lines
Rubbish IE expression bug
Beware the COLLATE clause
plasma-widget-network-manager NO
Why another security breach?
Microsoft take heed
Problem with Windows Path setting
Event Handlers with Dynamic Controls
Compiler error
Dodgy Joins
The Triangle Problem
SIAM Carlisle Hints
More efficiency in forums
Annonymous javascript function woes in IE
What flavour of HTML should I use?
Headers and Footers referring to report items
Poor quality images in generated PDF
Patch Tuesday
Don't use exception for normal program flow!
Email Best Practices
Software Development Coming of Age
Writing good logic in code
Reporting Services, Margins, Page Layout etc
Why Windows Vista is pointless
The definition of the object is hidden
Request for permission SqlClientPermission failed
static or non-static?
Reporting Services Data Corruption
Copy and Paste is Not your friend!!
Events and access in .Net
Problems opening .net project
Tables and Repeater Controls
Changing to
The pains of SQL Server 2005!
Simple midi interface from Linux
Ripping in flac - the way ahead!!
Ripping m4a in KAudioCreator
Undefined reference, something to do with signals and moc
Graphics don't work in real-time kernel
Adept Package Manager shows BREAK for libasound2-dev
Building the NVidia driver for multiple kernels
Building Ardour2 on Kubuntu
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